
We help you build and protect a strong brand identity with our comprehensive trademark services.

Trademarks, which are a type of intellectual property rights, play a major role in distinguishing the products and services that you have created as a result of long efforts from the products and services of others and identifying that product and service with you. Although there is no practical obstacle to using the trademark without registration, this situation may fragile your trademark in protecting it against your competitors.

The goal of every company in the globalizing world is to become a globally recognized and protected global trademark. Especially for technology companies, the recognition of trademarks globally plays a very important role. However, due to the principle of territoriality of trademarks, the registration you have made in a country to protect your trademark can only protect you within the borders of that company. As Igniters, with our expert team and partners we support our clients in carrying out all registration processes for both domestic and other countries where you plan to use your trademark without complicating the registration process. Before and during the registration application process, we guide our clients to proceed with the most advantageous method both in time and financially.